项目名称 瓦登海游客中心景观设计
副标题 将野趣收于内庭
项目所在地 欧洲
开发商/业主 Municipality of Esbjerg
运营主体 暂无
项目类别 暂无
建成时间 暂无
占地面积 29,000 m2
建筑面积 暂无
官网 暂无
方案认证 暂无
运营奖项 暂无
方案奖项 暂无


Rhythm. Breath. Shifts. Migratory birds set the slow rhythm. On their long journey from southern Africa to Siberia’s tundra landscape, the Wadden Sea’s generous larder is the vital stop-off point. Every spring and autumn millions of migratory birds visit the Wadden Sea.

鸟瞰瓦登海域,aerial view of the Wadden Sea


The tides are the ocean’s breath – pulsing slowly in pace with cosmic forces and the lunar cycle. At low tide the sea bed is a giant help-yourself buffet for migratory birds: oysters, mussels, crabs, shrimps, worms – all the ocean’s delicacies.

这是一片陆与水不断转变的区域。 人类在此已经和瓦登海的巨大力量周旋并共存了近千年。 地形在人类活动中发挥着重要的作用。 抬高的堤坝保护了湿地区域免受风暴的侵袭,并提供了永久沉降的条件。成行的木桩暗示出了新的陆地区域,并慢慢划定了海岸线。 堤,沟渠和河道将陆续出现。 陆和水的转换由此产生。

Shifts. The zone between land and water here is in constant flux. Man has for millennia negotiated with the Wadden Sea’s dynamic forces and lived from and with nature. Differences in terrain play an important role in human activity. The dykes’ elevated horizons protect the marshy soil from storm surges and allow permanent settlement. Rows of stakes indicate new areas of land and slowly demarcate the coastline. Dykes, ditches and channels. Shifts between land and water.

瓦登海游客中心入口,entrance of the Wadden Sea Centre

在延伸和改造后的瓦登海游客中心能看到一片人造景观。瓦登海游客中心宛若一片广袤沼泽地中的小岛,被一排排沙棘构成的“哈哈沟”隔离出来。 这个庭院凭借极具表现力的几何形稻草和木头围墙来抵御强烈的西风。稀疏的树木和灌木打开了一片巨大的景观视野,在此可以观赏到丹麦“黑太阳”– 欧洲星椋鸟在上空偏偏起舞。

This huge landscape narrative can be read in the Wadden Sea Centre’s extension and renovations. The Wadden Sea Centre is like an island in the vast expanse of the marshes, separated by a ha-ha ditch lined with sea buckthorn. The courtyard is sheltered against the fierce west wind, bounded by the building’s powerful geometry and its straw and wood. A gentle thinning-out of trees and shrubs opens up a view onto the landscape and embraces the enormous sky with all its hues – a stage for Denmark’s ‘black sun’, starling flocks that dance in the sky.

瓦登海游客中心内庭院,interior garden of the Wadden Sea Centre

该庭院由极具表现力的几何形木质建筑围合,并以此为中心庭院抵御强烈的西风,the courtyard is bounded by the building’s powerful geometry,and sheltered against the fierce west wind

庭院内设置了一些简易的木桩和置石,作为儿童游乐区,some stakes and stones are set in the central area as playing area for children

庭院周边区域用作室外休息场地,中心区域结合地形和植物作为雨水花园,the edge of the countyyard as outside resting area, the central area used as rain garden with land forms and plants.

所使用材料的特性和结构充分满足了建筑和景观的需要。 Slotsgrus砾石和当地的花卉、草药构成了一种特别的搭配,并将 一片杂草丛生的池塘变成了一个收集雨水花园。游客可以通过搭设在其中的木栈道穿行在建筑之间。

The physicality and structures of materials meet in building and landscape. Slotsgrus gravel, a special meadow mix, with flowers and herbs adapted to the characteristics of the locality. An overgrown pond converted into a lake that collects rainwater. A boardwalk accessible to all.

游客中心的木质表面和中心区的雨水花园构成了协调的自然野趣效果,the wooden facades combine with the central rain garden which form a harmonious rough and natural effect.

由木头和稻草构成的建筑表面,the building facades with wood and straw.


The courtyard has a covering of tiles interwoven with flora from the Siberian tundra, where the migratory birds breed. Small topographical shifts create conditions for the plants to thrive. Thrift, anthericum, bearberry, dwarf birch, sand pink, dryas, viper’s bugloss, California poppy, sheep’s fescue, mouse-ear hawkweed, sesleria.

物种丰富的中心雨水花园,同时作为孩子们的游乐场,the central rain garden with diverse plants,simultaneously playing ground for children


The courtyard is an exhibition space where the landscape is conveyed on both large and small scales, allowing the Wadden Sea Centre’s unique narrative to continue outdoors.

场地平面图,site plan

发布时间 2023-10-10 作者: gooood设计网







