该项目旨在为一家现代农贸公司翻新其7层办公大楼,设计师在这里创造了一种新的工作场所体验,特别是 “水稻梯田”的这一设计充分体现了公司的商业运营理念。由于各种场地限制,如地界、高度限制和不规则的场地边界,同时为了满足公司的办公要求,设计师认为该建筑必须展现高效这一概念,每个楼层的体量都被改造为略微不同的形式,由此形成了一系列重叠的悬挑露台结构。 简洁的堆叠式露台也将室外的动植物景观渗透到建筑内部的多个功能区域中。
In rethinking a 7-storey office building for a leading agricultural trading company, we envision a new workplace experience by approaching the design with a concept of the ‘rice terrace’ that becomes an architectural embodiment of the company’s philosophy and business operation. Due to various site restrictions such as setback regulations, height limits, and the unusual site boundary, it became necessary for the architectural massing to be efficient in order to fulfill the functional requirements of the company. This was resolved by shifting the mass of each floor to slightly different from each other, creating a series of overlapping cantilevers and terraces. The simplicity of the stacked terrace has become a sophisticated solution allowing the local flora and fauna of the outdoor landscape to permeate into multiple areas and functions of the architecture.
远眺位于居住区中的建筑,the overview of the buildings in the residential area
建筑外览,the exterior
以 “水稻梯田”为主题的的建筑侧面,the facade of the building with the theme of “rice terraces”
每个楼层间相互错落重叠,each floor overlaping with each other
These ‘rice terraces’ become a flexible common area for all, encouraging an awareness of place to foster a sense of belonging and shared identity for the company as a whole.The overhanging eaves provide ample of shading for gathering, sharing, working outdoors during the day which allows for multiple and diverse use of space. This provides a natural and intuitive atmosphere for the overall workplace inciting connectedness and interaction over compartmentalization; dissolving the boundaries between the interior and the exterior.
俯瞰郁郁葱葱的露台空间,overlooking the lush terrace space
与办公区相连接的上层庭院空间,upper courtyard space connected to the office area
沿袭建筑风格的底层入口庭院,the entrance courtyard that follows the architectural style
Beyond functionality, we have created an environmental design strategy in accord with the tropical climate of Thailand. One of this feature includes the aluminum vertical fins of the facade that has become a multi-mediator between the exterior and the interior. In calculating the sun angle and its cycle, the dimensions of each fins was calibrated to resolve the orientation of the sun’s ray in all directions. More than a shading device, it also acts as a passageway for natural ventilation, and a privacy filter from the neighbouring residences. These vertical slats help to significantly reduce the reliance on air-conditioners by filtering over-exposed light and excess heats from the sun. The sheer mass of the ‘rice terrace’ on each floor also helps to soften the cooling load of the building acting as a completely natural insulation from the direct heat gain. This results in the creation of a microclimate for the building which helps to neutralize the imbalanced climate conditions that may arise.
每个翼片将会跟随各个方向上的太阳光线而改变,the dimensions of each fins was calibrated to resolve the orientation of the sun’s ray in all directions
由铝制垂直翼片构成的特色的立面,a characteristic façade made up of aluminum vertical fins
从下向上仰视立面结构,looking up from the bottom up the facade structure
We envision a working environment that is distinct from a typical office building, not only by seeking to create a new working experience that can become a catalyst to increase the quality of life for each office member, but also to extends beyond the site to become a green space for the surrounding context as well.
外立面结构为房间内部带来独特光影效果,facade structure brings unique light and shadow to the interior of the room
夜间上层平台效果,the night effect of the upper platform

