项目名称 海洋天堂——马尔代夫临空经济区
副标题 海洋天堂——马尔代夫临空经济区
项目所在地 暂无
开发商/业主 北京城建集团有限责任公司
运营主体 暂无
项目类别 社区
建成时间 2022-02-20
占地面积 暂无
建筑面积 102000平方米
官网 暂无
方案认证 暂无
运营奖项 暂无
方案奖项 暂无


In April of this year, the concept of “Vitalizing Architecture”, led by CAA founder Liu Haowei stood out in the competition of “Maldives Airport, Economic Zone Development,” and won the first prize. Afterwards, it will become a figurative landmark for the country of the Maldives.


效果图 ©CAA建筑事务所


As the world largest archipelago country, the Maldives are famously known as the “Paradise on Earth”, which is named after its jewel-like form that lie on the Ocean’s surface.



Behind this beauty is a huge environmental crisis; In a world of global warming and rising sea levels as result of glacial ice melt, there is a possibility that this country could disappear from the world.



效果图 ©CAA建筑事务所

据UNEP(联合国环境署) 数据显示,造成全球气候变暖的40%的温室气体,都由大型建筑物产生。如果我们不改变对城市建造和一次性能源使用的态度,类似马尔代夫这样的海岛国家都将会受到极大的威胁。针对本次项目,CAA将热带文化、海洋生态、可持续发展的概念相融合,赋予建筑以生命的意义,同时改善传统建筑对环境所带来的负面影响。

According to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the data shows that 40% of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming are produced by large buildings. If our attitude towards urban construction and one-time energy use does not change, the fate of an island country like the Maldives will be greatly threatened.The Ocean’s Heaven, Maldives Airport Economic Zone mixed use development seeks to alleviate the negative impact of buildings on the environment, and the design concept seeks to centralize the idea of tropical culture, ocean systems and renewable energy structures into a living belt, which then aims to connect and maintain human relationship with their home.


效果图 ©CAA建筑事务所


The staggering beauty of the oceans waves as they ripple across the shore, and the supreme variation of the coral ecology that provide homes for a highly bio-diverse ecosystem are the stimulation needed to design a building that can be part of an integrated energy system.



The project is named “Ocean’s heaven” from both its feature of ecological energy supplies and the concept of ocean and city harmonization.


鸟瞰效果图 ©CAA建筑事务所


When talking about the concept, founder Liu says:"When facing the Indian ocean, I can feel the power under its peaceful surface, but it is hard to imagine how great it was to be able to create the life, which became the inspiration to me to create this ocean wonderland."



Located at the east coast of Hulhumale, adjacent to Male, the capital of the Maldives on a site of reclaimed land, the project is dissected by the central twin urban axis.


基地分析 ©CAA建筑事务所


BUCG in partnership with the Maldives central government aims to develop 60,000sqm of site area with 100,000 gross sqm, which will consist of functions such as; an Airport Company Service Centre, International Trade Centre, Convention Centre, Island transport hub and shopping bizarre, business grade hotel, Centralized Retail Shopping and Dining experiences, as well an ocean facing Cultural plaza and other supporting amenities. This program of activity will be spread across two construction phases.


概念生成 ©CAA建筑事务所

爆炸图 ©CAA建筑事务所

功能分析 ©CAA建筑事务所


The functional organization of the project promotes the concept of high-density urban living and a productivity core, that incorporates a transport hub for road and water transportation, as well as commercial, retail and cultural facilities in one compact inner-city community.



The inner garden merges different programs into a continuum. With a direct connection via a sky garden and elevated network of pathways, the threshold between the ocean and land is achieved allowing a strong anchor that connects the Oceans Heaven development with the Maldives. The whole process acts as a metaphorical “nervous system”.


竖向交通流线系统 ©CAA建筑事务所


Beyond functioning as the islands “nervous system,” this complex also is given another more important function - an urban energy incubator.


总平面图 ©CAA建筑事务所

动线分析 ©CAA建筑事务所

以珊瑚形态呈现的绿色能源收集系统仿佛是从海洋生长而出,将整个地块覆盖。雨水收集和太阳能储蓄技术通过细胞状的“遮阳雨篷”实现,同时这些 “雨篷”的立柱结构相应分布在空中廊桥的结点上,也成为了支撑“神经系统”的结构体系,因此这个可持续能源结构的设计成为了功能与美学完美结合的艺术装置。

The design gesture of these green technologies is revealed as a coral morphology that seems to have grown from the ocean to envelop the entire site, promoting sustainable design not only as an afterthought, but as something that is beautiful and functional.


绿色能源收集系统 ©CAA建筑事务所


An integrated environmental systems approach was taken, that fully incorporates rainwater and solar energy harvesting, as well as taking advantage of passive cross ventilation and tidal power to generates more than 70% of electricity required to power the development.


可持续发展能源装置 ©CAA建筑事务所


The intersection of Art, Architecture and technology has always been the corner stone of our global societies accumulated intelligence, however these topics in contemporary society must always focus towards people. Artificial intelligence, automation systems, blockchain and customization of existing control tools are all deeply integrated to reveal a community that is highly advanced and interconnected.



设计图纸 ▽


国际贸易及商业中心五层平面图 ©CAA建筑事务所

酒店5楼标准层平面图 ©CAA建筑事务所

东立面图 ©CAA建筑事务所

西立面图 ©CAA建筑事务所

南立面图 ©CAA建筑事务所

北立面图 ©CAA建筑事务所

发布时间 2023-02-20 作者: CAA建筑事务所







