项目名称 罗伯特斯顿街69号
副标题 罗伯特斯顿街69号
项目所在地 暂无
开发商/业主 弗洛斯和蒙多建筑师事务所(澳大利亚布里斯班)设计
运营主体 暂无
项目类别 暂无
建成时间 暂无
占地面积 1,000m²
建筑面积 暂无
方案认证 暂无
运营奖项 暂无
方案奖项 2017年布里斯班市长商业奖Energex商业可持续发展奖得主。 荣获2017年澳大利亚房地产委员会创新和卓越奖最佳可持续发展奖 - 新建筑。 2016年世界绿色建筑委员会亚太绿色建筑领导力奖的首位澳大利亚可持续设计和性能领导力奖得主。 荣获2016年UDIA(昆士兰州)卓越顾问奖。 入围2016年AIRAH可持续发展类卓越奖。 入围2016年建筑环境类别的顶级可持续发展奖。
参考链接 暂无

这座位于布里斯班毅力谷(Fortitude Valley)的1,000平方米办公楼悄然击败了该领域,获得了澳大利亚第一个绿星设计和竣工v1.1认证评级。值得注意的是,罗拔臣街69号的项目团队做到了这一点,他们获得了6星的最高评级,在一轮评估过程中获得了令人印象深刻的83.3分。

Floth开发并占用了三层办公楼,并承担了建筑服务和可持续发展设计,并于2015年<>月搬入了上两层。由Mondo Architects设计的受限零地段线建筑包括绿色格子墙,耐旱攀爬藤蔓生长在中央采光井和后甲板的外表面。虽然种植经过精心挑选,无需额外灌溉即可茁壮成长,但屋顶雨水被收集用于绿化墙以及厕所和小便池冲洗。

办公楼配备了最新的占用和日光控制的直接间接LED照明系统。热回收可变制冷剂流量空调系统实际上能够根据需要将供暖或制冷从建筑物的一部分移动到另一部分。通过可变风量系统向居住者输送的室外空气增加了 50%,从而确保了高室内空气质量,这些系统是根据分区二氧化碳传感器进行需求控制的。许多其他功能和许多GBCA认可的创新被优雅地集成到其他传统建筑中,而无需显着的额外成本。


除了Green Star之外,这是第一座正式和公开采用澳大利亚可持续建筑环境委员会(ASBEC)零碳建筑标准定义的建筑,并被澳大利亚政府的国家碳抵消标准认证为昆士兰州第一座碳中和建筑。

预计立面和整体建筑服务改进的运营碳排放量将减少 53%(与等效的符合建筑规范的能源模型相比)。屋顶安装的太阳能光伏系统进一步减少了13%,也相当于抵消了建筑物最终运行能源的28%。从Origin购买的100%认可的GreenPower是零碳拼图的最后一块。在基础建筑上,Floth和1级租户的装修都由于100%的绿色电力供应而有效地实现了零碳运营。值得注意的是,太阳能光伏系统产生的免费电力远远抵消了GreenPower的额外运营成本。鉴于建筑物的成本效益,很难提出更好的解决方案。

The 1,000m² office building in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley quietly beat the field to receive the first Green Star Design and As Built v1.1 certified rating in Australia. Remarkably 69 Robertson Street’s project team did this by achieving the highest possible rating of 6 stars, with an impressive score of 83.3 points awarded in just one round of the assessment process.

Floth developed and occupy the three-level office building and undertook the building services and sustainability design and moved into the upper two levels in August 2015. The constrained zero lot line building designed by Mondo Architects includes green trellis walls with drought tolerant climbing vines growing up the external faces of the central light well and rear decks. While the planting has been carefully selected to thrive without additional irrigation, roof rainwater is collected for the green wall and for toilet and urinal flushing.

The office building is fitted with the latest occupancy- and daylight- controlled direct- indirect LED lighting systems. Heat recovery variable refrigerant flow air conditioning systems are literally able to move heating or cooling from one part of the building to another as required. High indoor air quality is assured with a 50 percent increase in outside air being delivered to occupants via variable air volume systems that are demand controlled in response to zoned carbon dioxide sensors. Many other features and a host of GBCA-recognised innovations were elegantly integrated in the otherwise conventional building without significant additional cost.

Floth shares a distinguished history with the site, which was bought back in 2000 when it was occupied by a venerable Queenslander that was actually built by the Robertson family (after which the street is named). The converted Queenslander served as the Floth state offices until 2003. The Queenslander was eventually removed from the site and preserved for future generations by being transported to Esk to become the new home of a family who lost their house to fire.

Beyond Green Star, this is the first building that has formally and publicly adopted the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council’s (ASBEC) standard definition of a zero carbon building and certified as the first Carbon Neutral building in Queensland by the Australian government’s National Carbon Offset Standard for buildings.

A 53 percent reduction in operational carbon emissions was predicted from facade and integral building services improvements (compared to an equivalent Building Code compliant energy model). A roof-mounted solar photovoltaic system achieved a further 13 percent reduction, also equivalent to offsetting 28 percent of the building’s final operational energy. 100 percent accredited GreenPower purchased from Origin was the final piece of the zero carbon puzzle. Over the base building, both Floth’s and the Level 1 tenant’s fitouts are effectively zero carbon in operation by virtue of the 100 percent GreenPower supply. Notably the free electricity generated by the solar photovoltaic system has more than offset the additional operational cost of the GreenPower. Given the cost effectiveness of the building, it would be difficult to come up with a better solution.






5.5 星级 NABERS 能源评级(不含绿色电力)和 6 星绿色电力。

6 星级纳伯斯水评级。

昆士兰州首个WELL v2认证,达到最高水平的白金。


The first Green Star Design and As Built v1.1 certified rating in Australia.

The first building formally and publicly recognised as a Zero Carbon Standard Building by the Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council’s (ASBEC)

Certified as the first Climate Active Carbon Neutral building in Queensland, certified in accordance with the National Carbon Offset Standard for Buildings.

The first 6 star NABERS Indoor Environment rating in Australia for the Floth tenancy at Level 2 & 3

5.5 Star NABERS Energy rating (without Green Power) and 6 Star with Green Power.

6 Star NABERS Water rating.

The first WELL v2 Certification in Queensland to the highest level of Platinum.

Floth has received further global recognition for its innovative Brisbane headquarters, which is the only building in Australia nominated as a “Game Changer” in the World Green Building Online Case Study Library. In fact, as of December 2019 it is one of only 3 buildings designated as such out of 128 projects in the world. The Library showcases examples of the most cutting-edge examples of sustainable building around the world, with each case study demonstrating a building that has enhanced performance in relation to health benefits and net zero operational carbon, as verified by established certification schemes, rating tools or other verification systems.



荣获2017年澳大利亚房地产委员会创新和卓越奖最佳可持续发展奖 - 新建筑。





Winner of the 2017 Brisbane Lord Mayor’s Business Awards for the Energex Award for Sustainability in Business.

Winner of the 2017 Property Council of Australia Innovation and Excellence Awards for the Best Sustainable Development – New Buildings.

First Australian Winner of the World Green Building Council 2016 Asia Pacific Leadership in Green Building Awards for the Leadership in Sustainable Design and Performance category.

Winner of the 2016 UDIA (Qld) Awards for Excellence in the Consultants Excellence category.

Finalist the 2016 AIRAH Awards for Excellence in the Sustainability category.

Finalist in the 2016 Premiers Sustainability Awards in the Built Environment category.

发布时间 2023-02-03 作者: Floth







